This clinical device focuses on unconscious material that seeks to shirk communication and in your routines. Couples Support
He asks the question of psychic phenomena and the process of subjectify the individual, in connection with the parental couple.
The family clinic of the couple allows to group together certain transmitted information that turns out to be paralyzing for the individuals.
One of the targets of therapeutic action is to know how to give back to the transgenerational and the couple here and now its positive drive.
Also, because the whole family naturally forms part of the triadic functioning, individuals spontaneously create in their physical interactions different spaces that are necessary for the well-being of the family.
Stability is sometimes fragile and requires clinical development.
During the couple’s joint family therapy, it is necessary to identify the «symptomatic interactive sequences» that come to stage, dramatize the phantasmal themes expressed, in a more or less latent way, by the speech. Couples Support.

From then on, everything is as if everyone were allowed to be governed by imaginary roles, distributed to the family apart from any supervision by the symbolic function of the system of relatives that regulates the succession of generations: a child could be entrusted with impossible tasks: to fill the failings of his parents, to be the replacement of a previously idealized lost object, etc. , and trapped in his fascination with these alienating identifications.
The family group tends to function in constraining interaction preventing individual fantasy: these impasses mixing suffering to live together as much as an impossibility to separate, there is little room to intellectualise the prevailing action on thought and symbolization.
One of the targets of therapeutic action is to know how to restore the couple’s drive. In terms of attachment, the couple can be adapted to the transmission of «patterns», repetitive over the generations whose issues need to be dissected.