
a) Depressive mood
Identifiable by an ill-defined, unusual feeling of marked sadness, discouragement, despair. The subject is defined as suffering from an abnormal generalized sadness.
It is accompanied by a feeling of lassitude, of generalized disinterest which is all the more difficult for the subject who realizes perfectly that he is no longer capable of feeling pleasure in activities or situations usually pleasant.
Appearance of affective anesthesia: when the subject realizes that his relatives leave him indifferent, he feels guilty and becomes anguish. He thinks "he is no longer capable of loving".
Laughter, recklessness and lightness of soul have left the subject.
b) Psychomotor symptoms
An overall engine slowdown:
Everything in the subject's attitude seems slow
He seems to carry "all the misfortune in the world on his shoulders"
He needs time to think and delivers only short sentences. He is stingy with lyrics
His facial expressions are poor, monotonous, sad, his head not very mobile.
A global psychic slowdown:
Thinking is slow, laborious, impoverished
No new ideas except those related to his suffering
Very reduced concentration capacities
Very quickly confused by the slightest intellectual effort
Intellectual slowing down from where feeling of slowness in the flow of time.
c) Conative disorders
(symptoms resulting from a reduction in the capacity for effort and initiative)
They are expressed indirectly by the subject by complaints of "being at the end of the line", "emptied", exhausted, of having lost his enthusiasm, of lacking courage, of loss of energy ...
They are expressed directly in the loss of spontaneous initiatives taken by the subject to remedy his condition which he sees as a contemptible decline. His endurance during exercise is very reduced.
d) Cognitive disorders
The representations, the contents of thought undergo a set of subtle pathological distortions, which constitute depressive psychology properly speaking.
Having become unable to face his difficulties, to face his problematic relationships, to resolve a conflict by taking a decision, he "no longer knows how to do it", a "nothing overflows him", he has lost his means and can no longer count on him.
He thus gradually sinks into a negative pattern and becomes a slave to it.
There is a judgmental disorder in depressive psychology, understood from an overwhelmingly negative inclination to judge oneself and things.
First of all, the subject's vision of himself is negative. He makes comparisons with people who possess certain qualities that are not in him and does not give any importance to qualities that he himself might exhibit.