


A psychologist is a person graduated in psychology, a discipline which brings together many theoretical and practical currents around the analysis of individual and group psychic facts and their evolutionary and reorganizing treatment, by diversified methods and approaches.

The psychologist is an analyst of psychic functioning in its subjective, affective and cognitive aspects and their psychopathologies, as well as of human behavior, personality and interpersonal relationships.

He intervenes in a unique way according to his free choice of the various currents and theoretical references that guide his practice, in all areas of society (education, health, medico-social, justice, work, sport, etc.) with the aim of preserving , evaluate, maintain or improve the well-being, the psychic state more specifically subjective, affective or cognitive or the quality of life of the individual and his psychological health, develop his mental autonomy, his capacities or promote his social integration.

Consequently, according to his specialization (clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, work psychology, professional orientation, etc.), the psychologist uses specific methods of analysis and intervention based on various relational and theoretical approaches.

The Code of ethics of psychologists is an essential reference for the exercise of the profession of psychologist, it affirms that “these rules protect the public from the misuse of psychology and from the use of methods and techniques claiming abusively of psychology. "

Professional skills are diverse: Design and development of psychological and therapeutic interventions with a preventive and curative aim for patients and their families, practices of individual or collective interviews (support groups for example), individual and group psychotherapies, collection and analysis of needs and requests for intervention, assessment of the personality or cognition of individuals in diagnostic or prognostic frameworks ...

Gestion de crises