Post-traumatic stress disorder :
Two evolutionary reaction modes are to be distinguished:

1. The acute reaction :

Symptoms are usually mixed and fluctuating: :
Initially, the victim is in a state of daze then, depressive or anxious symptoms may appear, or a temper tantrum, a feeling of hopelessness, hyperactivity or withdrawal.

None of these symptoms persist for long. This reaction mode follows the subject's ousting of the traumatic factor.

2. Post-traumatic stress disorder:

It is a delayed or prolonged response to a traumatic situation. Symptoms consist of :

fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of vitality

of anhedonia

dreams or nightmares

emotional dullness with a significant reduction in social contact, even involving relatives

psychosomatic conditions: digestive disorders, dermatoses ...

a feeling of anger, helplessness in their work

behaviors to avoid situations that can awaken the memory of the trauma.

the development of addictive behaviors, alcohol, drugs, medicines, food

the increased inability to talk about the traumas experienced, the strong emotions experienced

flashbacks of a brutal and uncontrolled revival of memories in the form of mental images that impose themselves compulsively and provoke incessant morbid ruminations of the traumatic event. These reminiscences occur anywhere, anytime, and are triggered by stimuli, signals unconsciously deciphered in the environment by the individual.

Exposure to these stimuli can suddenly reactivate memory or relive the trauma and can trigger:


a panic attack

even an aggressive reaction.

Our Expertise In Crisis Situations


The varying influence of the “tree of life”of individuals who unconsciously control the greater or lesser freedom they may or may not have to distance themselves from their parents' own childhood conflicts and experiences are active at the heart of the CRISES.Crises Management.

However, it remains to be understood why some individuals are more or less receptive to it.

For this, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative nature of the difficulties, some of which would be more «binding» or «annexing» than others.

Gestion de crises

Through the therapeutic space, moderate emotional reactions. allows to maintain contact, to favour a "normal" communication. Stay calm at all costs, instead of yielding to the temptation to respond by screaming louder.

Beyond the crisis, it must be understood that the solution to this problem lies in a daily dialogue. If you live together, you should be able to speak to each other in a proper manner every day, listening to each other, without interrupting.

Valuing your surroundings regularly, showing positive attention also helps to decrease tensions.

Finally, find the right boundary by the therapeutic support for you, a substitute with which the person can unload his tensions and symbolize them sustainably in the online clinical space.

Gestion de crises